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We are open in our MAYFACS office at London House, Mayfield High Street, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday between 10am - 1pm every week. We may be in the office on other occasions around our regular activities in the community but to give you a guaranteed time to see us, please visit us during these times.
Produce from the Mayfacs Shed community garden !
A beautiful fresh selection of produce from the MAYFACS SHED Community Garden, outside the office most Tuesdays and Wednesdays whilst stocks last.
Please help yourselves and donations welcome (don’t worry if you don’t have cash with you, we have a card machine in the office so do come in if you want to donate using your card). Thank you!
If you grow your own produce and have surplus stock, please consider donating it to our produce table to share amongst our community.
If you are interested in joining our community garden group, please do let us know – you can help as often or as little as you can!
Activities coming up:
Monday 9th September
Shed session 9.30 - 12.30pm
Yarners at the Sew Inspired Shop 1.30 - 3.30pm
Tuesday 10th September
Tea & Chat at Colkins Mill Church 2 - 3pm
Wednesday 11th September
Baby & Toddler Group in the Scout Hall 9 – 11am
Men’s Shed session 9.30 - 12.30pm
Five Ashes coffee & chat 2 - 3pm
Thursday 12th September
Shed session 9.30 - 12.30pm
Middle House lunch – by invitation only
Saturday 14th September
Repair Cafe at Mayfacs Shed 10am – 1pm
Monday 16th September
Shed session 9.30 - 12.30pm
Yarners at the Sew Inspired Shop 1.30 - 3.30pm
Tuesday 17th September
Tea & Chat at Colkins Mill Church 2 - 3pm
Wednesday 18th September
Baby & Toddler Group in the Scout Hall 9 – 11am
Men’s Shed session 9.30 - 12.30pm
Writing for Fun 10am – 12pm at London House
Middle House afternoon Tea – by invitation only
Thursday 19th September
Shed session 9.30 - 12.30pm
Friday 20th September
Scrabble 2 – 4pm at London House
Next MAYFACS mini bus trip : Thursday 3rd October
The Mayfacs Shed is Open:
Every Monday 9.30am - 12.30pm
Every Wednesday 9.30am - 12.30pm
Every Thursday 9.30am - 12.30pm
Monthly Saturday Repair Cafe 10 - 1pm
Please email: theshed@mayfacs.org.uk as spaces are limited OR pop into the Office for a leaflet.
Next MAYFACS Shed Repair Cafe is on
Saturday 14th September at The Shed
Note date to avoid clash with Carnival
Please note we cannot take on Restoration projects, just repairs!