Meet the MAYFACS Trustees
MAYFACS is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) so it has a number of trustees and one project manager. See who's who below.

Lucy Firrell
Trustee & chair
Lucy has lived in Mayfield for over 30 years. Her children attended Mayfield Primary School and Heathfield Community College and she was a governor at both schools. She is a great supporter of the aims of MAYFACS in helping to bring together the many valuable and diverse services and activities in the village, as well as generating new ones.
Charles Marshall
Trustee & treasurer
Charles moved to Mayfield in September 1990, from which time he has been involved in a wide range of community activities and charities. He is a member of most parish church financial and investment committees, is a trustee of the Nicholson Trust and was the founder chairman of the Friends of St Dunstan’s of which he is still treasurer. He was a founder trustee in 1995 of
Mayfield Age Concern ("MAC") and participated actively in the founding of MAYFACS as its successor organisation. He is a trustee of Mayfield Tennis Club, The Wateryard Group and the Argos Hill Windmill Trust and is or has been the financial examiner of many of the voluntary organisations and charities in Mayfield over the last 20 years.
Tessa Gregory
Tessa has lived in Five Ashes since 2001. Once her children started the village pre-school she became involved in the management committee, going on to be Chair. Whilst her children were at the village primary school she became chair of the ‘Friends of Five Ashes School’ (equivalent to a PTA). She became a Parent Governor for the school shortly after, followed by a Community Governor for the Aspire Federation (Five Ashes and Mayfield CE Primary Schools). Tessa relinquished her Governor role but continues to work part time as School Secretary at Five Ashes CE Primary School. She is also a trustee of the Nicholson Trust. Tessa is very enthusiastic about the potential of the MAYFACS initiative, seeing it as an opportunity to harmonise and further develop the activities within the parish of Mayfield and Five Ashes.
Richard Penticost
Richard was born, bred and always worked locally. He has lived in Mayfield for over 50 years and is married with one son. A member of Mayfield U3A, his interests include bird-watching, bridge and singing.
As a trustee of Age Concern Mayfield, Richard was instrumental in getting MAYFACS started.
Cathy Kerr
Cathy and her husband moved to Mayfield from St Albans in 2022 to live closer to their daughter. A relative newcomer to Mayfield, she is enjoying getting to know the area and getting involved.
Cathy brings to her role as MAYFACS trustee extensive experience from her career in health and social care. She is a qualified social worker who has worked in a range of senior roles including 8 years as Director of Adult Social Services in London. She is now retired, but still involved in social care, and chairs the national network of former Directors of Social Services
Miles Smith
Miles and his family have lived in Mayfield for 33 years. His three children attended the primary school and Miles was at various times treasure of the PTA and vice-chairman of the Governors. He has experience of volunteering in the youth and advice sectors and was, for several years, a member and vice chairman of the Independent Monitoring Board at H M Prison Lewes. He is currently a trustee of the Friends of St. Dunstan's, the Friends of Mayfield Churchyard, of which he is Chairman, and is a trustee and director of the University of Brighton Academies Trust. He believes that our communities will face many challenges over the next few years and that MAYFACS will have an increasing role to play.
Caroline Kemp
Caroline has lived in Mayfield since 1982 and her three children went to Mayfield Primary and Uplands Community College. She has been actively involved in village life as a committee member of the Newsletter, PTAs, London House Open Door and Mayfield tennis club. She spent many years working in the Advice sector working with Citizens Advice nationally and locally managing Citizens Advice Tunbridge Wells. She enthusiastically supports the aims of MAYFACS and believes that social and practical services help reduce isolation and loneliness. The intergenerational activities MAYFACS provides help break down barriers and provide good benefits to all ages.
Brian Cook
Brian and his wife Moira moved to Mayfield in 2015 having lived in the Tunbridge Wells area for 35 years. He is a retired international investment banker having worked in addition to London in a number of overseas locations including New York, Toronto, Frankfurt, Dubai and Hong Kong.
His interests include Opera, Gardening, Golf and Bowls. He is currently a member of the Mayfield Golfing Society and Chairman and Treasurer of Frants Bowls Club.
Having been in Mayfield for 7 years he has seen as first hand “the excellent work” that MAYFACS undertakes and welcomed the opportunity to become actively involved as a Trustee. He looks forward to helping MAYFACS broaden its activities and bringing them to the wider community.