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Utilities and Assisted Waste Support 

MAYFACS want to highlight the support that is available for utilities and services to anyone who is vulnerable within our community.  Many of these applications can be undertaken by individuals or by family members as well, so if you need any extra support, please do use these services available.


Wealden District Council: Assisted Collection Service for Waste


Wealden District Council recognise that some people are unable to place their containers at the boundary to their property on waste collection days for a number of reasons.  They are able to offer “assisted collections” where the bin operatives can collect and return the containers from an agreed and convenient location.  There are certain criteria to be eligible for this support (not to be used for long driveways, or absence for example) so please refer to the Council’s website for more information and to register for the scheme.

South East Water Priority Register

During periods of water shortage, if you are unable to collect water from the emergency water stations and you are a vulnerable customer (age/mobility/health) then you can be added to the Priority Register and receive deliveries of emergency supplies to your doorstep whilst the outage is ongoing.

Please call SE Water directly on 0800 952 4000.

Energy Suppliers Priority Register

Energy Suppliers and Network operators also carry a Priority Register so that you can get advanced notice of scheduled power cuts, priority support in an emergency, nominating someone to manage bills and communications from suppliers, and accessibility information.  You may also be able to access free gas safety checks.


You will need to register individually directly with your supplier, and if using different suppliers for gas and electricity, you will need to apply to each supplier separately. 


If you need any further support or information, please contact MAYFACS and we can signpost you in the right direction!  We also have a pool of incredible volunteers who can assist with any one off assistance or support needed.

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