Useful information and links to a range of Dementia Support Services

Thank you to everyone who joined us at MAYFACS to complete their Learning from Living with Dementia Training. Here are some of our Course attendees.

*some of our attendees preferred not to be in the photos
With hugest thanks to Hendy Foundation for funding this training course for 24 individuals within Mayfield and Five Ashes, as we work together to ensure a more dementia friendly community.
With representation from Mayfield Osteopaths Mayfield Podiatry, Mayfield School Woodhill Doctors Surgery, Mayfield Parish Council, local carers as well as our own MAYFACS volunteers, Mayfacs SHED, and MAYFACS Repair Cafe, we were able to really share knowledge and understanding from different perspectives. This specific training uses videos and conversations with people who are living with dementia to share their own experiences and individual stories.
We will be promoting a shorter Dementia Friends course shortly for more people to access training within the community. Please do get in touch with us if you would like to know more about supporting people living with dementia. See below information.
Finally, thank you to the lovely Iona at Rotherfield St Martin for leading this training for us.
Freya is our MAYFACS Dementia Champion.
If you would like more information, please get in touch:

FREE, 50 minute dementia information session - see poster for dates in The Middle House 9 - 10am. This session is open to ANYONE - whether you work with someone living with dementia, are supporting family or friends, or just want to learn more about what you can do.
Dementia affects 1 in 3 of us, and in a rural community like ours, it is especially important that we all have an awareness and understanding of what it is like to live with Dementia. MAYFACS are working together with Rotherfield St Martin (RSM) and Wealden Dementia Action Alliance to develop dementia friendly communities. Dementia Friends is an initiative of the Alzheimer's Society and aims to give people an understanding of what it can be like to live with dementia and the small ways in which we can all support those in our everyday lives.
Please do go along, and join the 2.5 million Dementia Friends across the country. Invite friends, neighbours and colleagues, the more the better! If you are wishing to attend, and live or work within Mayfield and Five Ashes, please just drop MAYFACS an email on or phone us on 01435 873888 so we can confirm your place.

Community Café Crowborough :
A dementia friendly group for people to come
together to enjoy an activity and refreshments.
Last Thursday of the month. 2-4pm
Mayfacs chaperoned minibus transport available from Mayfield (please contact Mayfacs office to book your place).
Here's a useful link to the dementia friends website to become a dementia friend via online video

The Wealden Dementia Action Alliance (WDAA):
WDAA provide invaluable local support information and advice as well as listing local dementia support groups and activities to attend.

DISC Dementia Support run support groups and provide support online, including training courses.
East Sussex and Brighton & Hove Care and Support Services Directory, have recently published their latest directory. Please see attached link for the online e-book version.
If you would like a hard copy directory, please pop into the Mayfacs office to collect one.
Sussex Support Service based in Uckfield.
Including Care for Carers support
Care and Carers support:
Whilst carers support is never the priority for many families as caring for loved ones is part of our role, it is really important to establish a network of support not only for extended family but also for immediate family – these support networks can act as sources of information, connections and support.
Dementia Specific Support via NHS
Similar to above but via NHS nationally. A key part of this link is the links to dementia support charities who are really important to connect with. Carers support links and connections are also important to not feel on your own as a carer. There is also a link on here for a needs assessment from social services.
Charities such as the below also provide a wealth of advice and knowledge on the stages and support for living with dementia, as well as crucial support lines that you can contact for advice and questions – they really are worth exploring and speaking to. There will likely be local groups as well that you can be connected to that will hold social cafes for example, and support groups: or for local support
Living with Dementia
Most of the above sites will have sections on this, but a really useful thing is getting the daily living set up to help. These can just be little tweaks that can make life a lot easier to manage.
Mayfacs would also strongly recommend seeking some ‘training’ to understand what its like to live with dementia. For example having experienced some virtual training and courses around this, spending some time understanding how those feel when living with dementia can really help you to understand the impact. dementia friends offer free sessions often locally, and these can be really eye opening.
We've also created a section about Financial Support, please look at "Services & Help" drop down list at the top of this website page.